Cases uses

Real time transcriptions
and translation.

The linguistic diversity of the region required solutions for seamless communication
between public safety officers and the community. To this end, innovative tools were
implemented to improve efficiency and accessibility to any person. The Departments of
Social Rights and Interior (including Mossos d’Esquadra, DGSEC and other key security
organizations) benefited from this initiative.

The challenge

The challenge was to eliminate language barriers between officers and citizens who did
not share a common language. The main requirement was to develop a platform
capable of providing accurate and real-time translations, ensuring smooth and inclusive
communication. Additionally, the solution had to feature an intuitive interface that
facilitated language selection and real-time transcription display, along with
management and export functionalities.


Omnios proposed the development of a platformpowered by artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) to provide real-time transcription and translation with high accuracy. The implemented AI technology automatically detects the source language and adjusts the interface to the user’s native language, ensuring efficient and delay-free communication. Accessibility was a key pillar in the design of the platform, which enables effortless interaction for anyone, including vulnerable or special needs groups.


The solution was developed by integrating advanced NLP models capable of processing multiple languages and dialects in real time. A simple and intuitive user interface was designed to ensure that even non-technical users could navigate it with ease. To avoid misunderstandings, priority was given to contextual accuracy and instantaneous delivery of translations. The platform underwent rigorous testing in high-pressure scenarios to ensure optimal performance in any situation.

Results & Impact

Broke language barriers,
ensuring clear communication
and public safety.

Delivered instant, accurate
translations, boosting
efficiency and response time.

Offered an intuitive platform for all, enhancing user experience.

Optimized transcript
management, streamlining
record handling.

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